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The latest news Interviews, technologies, and resources about unclaimed assets
Maximizing Your Unclaimed Property from Colorado: Tips for Maximizing Additional Funds
Did you know that there might be unclaimed property or money that belongs to you? The Colorado State Treasurer’s Office is reminding Coloradans about the importance of chec...
Unlocking Hidden Wealth: Discovering Unclaimed Property
Do you have money or assets waiting to be claimed? You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that you could be one of the millions of people across the United States who have unclaimed property...
Hidden Money: How the Government Holds Your Unclaimed Assets
Did you know state governments are holding billions of dollars in unclaimed money and property that may belong to you? Surprisingly, it's not just forgotten bank accounts and uncashed checks. Unclaimed p...
Discover Your Hidden Fortune: Unclaimed Cash in North Carolina
Did you know that there could be unclaimed cash waiting for you in North Carolina? It's true! With almost $1.3 billion in unclaimed cash and property sitting at the NC State Treasurer's Office, you mi...
Unclaimed Lottery Winnings: Your Overlooked Fortune
Every year, millions of dollars in lottery winnings go unclaimed, leaving potential millionaires unaware of their newfound wealth. California Lottery officials have revealed that, on average, almost $50 million remains u...
Discover Hidden Riches: Are There Unclaimed Property Checks Waiting for You in Texas?
Did you know that the state of Texas is holding onto a staggering $88 billion worth of unclaimed properties? According to an article by Jeffrey Smith in the San Antonio Express-News, ...
San Diego County Taxpayers: Over $800K in Unclaimed Funds Waiting—Are You on the List?
Did you know that over $800,000 in unclaimed money is waiting for San Diego County taxpayers? These funds are owed to individuals who may not even know their entitlement. If you liv...
Top Trending Ways to Make a Claim on Unclaimed Assets Free of Charge
There's one major factor that holds back many people from claiming assets that are rightfully theirs: the fear that they will be denied the claim or be charged significantly for it. If you asked the av...
Your Need-To-Know About Unclaimed Money
There may be money that is yours but you do not know about it. Or, you may have qualified for funds but they never reached you. In these cases, you have unclaimed money that needs to be claimed. Unclaimed money comes in a v...