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Target Settles Illegal Debt Collection Practices Class-Action Lawsuit for $2.3 Million

If you are a consumer, there are limits to what debt collectors can do in terms of contacting you for payment of a debt. If they cross a certain legal line, they can even be made to pay...

Impacted By COVID-19? These Grants Could Help Making It Through The Crisis

It's no secret that COVID-19 has affected almost every American one way or another. Even if nobody in your own family has been directly infected by the deadly virus, chances are at least one ...

COVID-19 has Unleashed an Onslaught of Class Action Lawsuits Against Universities

COVID-19 has Unleashed an Onslaught of Class Action Lawsuits Against Universities Students had plans for the spring semester. It was the season to meet new friends, attend sporting events, ta...

Will State Liability Protections Prevent a Wave of COVID-19 Lawsuits?

States have given liability shields to a number of different entities during the COVID-19 crisis. From doctors to business, states have tried to protect them from lawsuits either through legislation or ...

LG Starts Claims in a Class-Action Lawsuit for Its French Door Refrigerators

LG has agreed to a settlement for its French side-by-side refrigerators. Perchance you own a refrigerator produced between January 2014 and December 2017; you may receive a reward for having a defe...

What are the Common Mistakes Most Personal Injury Clients Make?

When it comes to injury settlements, every case is different. If you've been involved in an accident, you're probably wondering what to expect in a personal injury case. Most of these cases are sett...

Youngkin Announces New Unclaimed Property Program

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin entered office earlier this year with a lot of criticism swirling around him. Winning as a Republican in a blue state, Youngkin was said to be a horrible choice. Since being elected, howe...

Did You Claim Unemployment in Nevada? You Could Be Entitled to Compensation

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States saw record unemployment rates. With most states besides South Dakota still seeing unemployment rates higher than they'd seen since the last re...

Have You Protected Your Assets in Your Second Marriage?

If you've just decided to get married again, you need to take the right measures to protect your assets in your second marriage. As you may already know, failing to do so can keep the intended family members from...