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How Covid-19 Has Affected Business Law in 2021

The covid-19 pandemic is still presenting challenges in our daily lives. Important issues in business and corporate law are also feeling the effect of the global pandemic in 2021. The pandemic has effectively disrupted busine...

Apple and T-Mobile Face New Class-Action Lawsuit over Security Breaches

Apple has been making updates to its iOS system to address privacy concerns. Some of its previous software versions may have had breaks where third parties can access data. That is the concern for a new...

Student Sues UT-Austin, Citing Inferiority of Online Education

A student at the University of Texas at Austin has joined a growing list of others filing class-action lawsuits against colleges and universities around the country in the wake of the pandemic. On February 2...

Fans Sue Major League Baseball for a Refund on Tickets

Most Americans view baseball season starting in any format as the sign that the country is starting to get back to normal after the COVID-19 crisis. However, even the most optimistic forecasts do not have baseball tea...

Minnesota Files a Lawsuit Against ExxonMobil for Misleading Consumers About Climate Change

Major oil companies are trying to portray themselves as being at the vanguard of the clean energy movement. Apparently, they are now concerned about climate change and are investing...

Blackbaud Mulling Lawsuit after Paying Cybercriminals Ransom with Bitcoin

Blackbaud is the premier provider of fundraising and financial services for nonprofits. The company was unfortunately hacked, and a trove of consumer data was put at risk by professional cybercriminal...

Huge Class Action Suit Alert: Detained Migrants and Families Can Sue

On April 16, 2020, a California judge determined that a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could continue. Many articles on the subjec...

Student Loan Borrowers Sue the Federal Government

Student loan borrowers have been having a difficult time recently. Even though laws have given them some relief from loan payment obligations for the time being, every day seems to bring a fresh assault on this seemingly b...

Experts Say This Recent Disney+ Lawsuit Could Be Game Changing

Disney is no stranger to controversy, so it is no surprise that the media giant regularly gets sued. However, a recent lawsuit might end up being far more impactful than others. A new lawsuit announced on Thur...