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The latest news Interviews, technologies, and resources about unclaimed assets
Don't Let Your Retirement Money Slip Away: How to Recover Lost Funds
In an age of job hopping and relocation, it's easy to lose track of retirement accounts from past employers. But that money is still yours - you just have to find it. The good news is there are ma...
New Bill Could Fast-Track Unclaimed Funds for New Yorkers — Governor’s Approval Pending
A new bill aimed at quickly returning unclaimed funds to New Yorkers is awaiting Governor Hochul’s approval. Sponsored by Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, the bill would allow his...
Dale Borough’s $71K Recovery: A Lesson in Unclaimed Property
Unclaimed money might not be the first thing on your mind, but it recently became a game-changer for Dale Borough. In a win for local governance and fiscal responsibility, the Pennsylvania Treasury Department r...
Is Your Retirement Plan Missing $1.65 Trillion? Time to Reclaim What’s Yours
Retirement savings are a cornerstone of financial security, yet millions of Americans are unknowingly leaving money behind. Read: The State By State Guide to Unclaimed Assets A staggerin...
What To Do With Your Old 401(k) Accounts: Smart Moves to Secure Your Retirement
You might leave behind an old 401(k) account when you change jobs or retire. While it’s easy to forget about these retirement savings, managing them wisely can significantly impact your f...
There Might be Free Money in Your Name in SMUD
In Sacramento, a call is being made to individuals who may have unclaimed money in the form of uncashed checks from the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD). These checks, dating back to September 30, 2020, or earl...
Unclaimed Funds: Secrets to Track Down Missing Bank Accounts & Investments
You may be owed money from inactive bank accounts, forgotten investments, and other sources. Unfortunately, you aren't always aware of these funds owed to you until it's too late. This l...
Could South Carolina Owe You Some Financial Assets? How to Find Them in Minutes
Did you know South Carolina is holding on to nearly $1 billion in unclaimed money? This forgotten cash comes from old insurance policies, uncashed checks, utility deposits, and undelivered refu...
New FICO Model Increases Credit Scores
Your FICO credit score increased and it has nothing to do with any change in your own personal credit situation. Check your Credit Scores for free! by clicking here The company that maintains the FICO scoring model is mak...